Jessica does what we all do. When she hears of a project she goes through her previous emails, grabs one, modifies it and sends it off. Jessica is busy. Who isn't. Every time Jessica says to herself she's gotta do better.

Skills. Jessica has lots of skills. Jessica uses MyPitch to create Pitches to showcase her Varied capabilities. .

Jessica figured out the different projects she goes after. She created her first Pitch and then duplicated and modified and created all the Pitches she needed. All just right on target. Nice.

Pitch. I'll make one Pitch for each major skill I Pitch. I'll make some landing pages too! .

Jessica Pitches her projects just the way she wants. Anytime. Jessica can publish a Landing Page, Send Emails, or Grab the Code. Wow, connect the way you want.

Land. My own landing page. Instantly. Jessica.MyPitch.page .

Jessica gets her own Primary Landing Page and a landing page for each pitch published. Check out Jessica's Advanced Developer Pitch and her Python Developer Pitch, and one more too, her Vermont Developer Pitch.

Win. Jessica was right! Prospects saw quickly how she connected. Jessica connected more, Pitched more, and won more. .
Done. Now you do it.